Build A Strong Core With These 3 Exercises

Build A Strong Core With These 3 Exercises

February 22, 2015 // Fitness

Core training is often misunderstood due to overemphasis of the abdominal muscles and neglect of training the other supporting core musculature. The “core” of the human body is comprised of 35 different muscles that help twist, bend, flex, extend, and rotate the mid-body. To build rock-solid core strength, add these 3 exercise to your workout program. 


When building a strong core, you prevent injury and eliminate joint pains in the back and hips. A strong core also contributes to improved flexibility and overall body strength. 

Everyone wants the six-pack abs, but many overlook the value of the other core muscles.

As you see below, there abdominal muscles do more than flex the torso.

Abdominal Muscles




To practice all the movements of the core, do at least one series of these exercises every week. Focus on breathing out as you contract the muscles in each exercise:

Leg Raises & Back Extensions

Tip: Focus on reaching your legs out straight and away from your body by contracting your hip flexors and lower abdominals.

Tip: Curl your neck and spinal muscles in a segmented motion to fully extend the erector muscles before slowing flexing the muscles as you raise up.

Side Bends

Tip: Include variations of bends, twists, and rotations to fully engage the internal and external oblique muscles.


A strong core is necessary for every function of physical fitness and movement. Build these exercises into your weekly routine and increase the challenge to progress infinitely!
