10 Beach Body Secrets

10 Beach Body Secrets

June 1, 2013 // Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness

It’s almost here. Bikini and speedo season is vastly approaching. Soon you will get to unveil the resultant of hours in the gym and meals without carbs. Unfortunately, even the smallest slip-ups can hinder the lean look you’ve been working for months to achieve. Fitness professionals deal with the same issues, but are well-prepared for these inevitable challenges. Using underground techniques and industry secrets, they are able to maintain a body worth a thousand words. In this article, you too will learn the 10 secrets of a picture-perfect beach body.

10 Beach Body Secrets


Fish Oils


Everyone always asks “what’s the magic pill for health and fitness?” The answer: Fish Oils. Fish is superior choice for protein and healthy fat. Eating high-quality fish often can be daunting; It’s costly, your taste buds get bored, and you run the risk of mercury in your blood. Instead, take a couple fish oil capsules (or fish oil liquid) to keep your body running like a champion and burning fat around the clock.

Water For Breakfast

Woman Drinking Glass of Water

No food? Yes — no food. Skipping breakfast is OK as long as you stay hydrated. The benefits of skipping breakfast are becoming more and more evident as researchers are learning the internal regulation mechanisms that occur when a prolonged absence of food exists. Namely, fat loss is highest when the body shifts from digestion to absorption. Drink a cold glass of H2O in the morning and start your first meal later in the day.

Release the Water


Now the exit strategy. Want to show off your abs? Release the stored water in your body. A lean figure can be temporarily* achieved when water is depleted between the skin and the muscles through manual manipulation. However, we need water more than any other nutrient in the body. It’s a catch-22; water is necessary for good health but losing water for a short period of time is effective in creating a leaner physical appearance. Since the body needs water for optimum functioning, you’ll need to manipulate intake/storage. Your body will only start releasing water when intake is sufficient, so keep your water intake high everyday until you’re ready to look lean for pictures or a social gathering.

You can manipulate water storage by gradually decreasing water and eliminating salt from your foods a few days prior to a set date.  Now that intake is reduced, double up the water excretion by sweating and peeing out your stored water. This is the secret strategy of bodybuilders, professional fighters, and photo-shoot candidates. 


This is not the safest strategy for the average individual. In fact, it’s dangerous. If you are going to play around with your stored water, consult with a professional like myself. Seriously, there is no need to risk heat stroke for a body image. With that being said, if you are going to drop water weight, I advise a 3-5 hour window for your “temporary beach body.” As soon as your done showing off your water-less figure, drink 1 liter of water every hour until you are back to normal.

Eat Fruit & Veggies

Fruit salad coctail on a plate

Replace your grains with natural fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies contain fiber which keeps the stomach feeling full and the digestive organs healthy. This helps when you’re trying to keep intake low to reduce body fat and storage. Many fruits and vegetables also contain water which makes these natural foods an easy choice for hydration and satisfaction. Choose these types: cantaloupe, spinach, cauliflower, strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, asparagus, watercress, and honey dew.

R & R


Rest and relaxation is more than just a luxury. Naps and quiet time are optimal for fat loss because stress causes fat storage. When you’re stressed, the hormone cortisol is increased. A high cortisol level sends signals to the cells to store adipose (fat) as a defense mechanism. Even exercising too often without a break can cause the body to store extra weight to combat the constant physical stress. Quit stressin’! Do yourself a favor and take some time to calm down. If you’re a technology junkie, leave your phone in a different room for the day. If you’re always on the go, take 20 minutes to lay down and close your eyes. Sometimes laziness is the missing recipe for fat loss.

Sun in Moderation


While a tanned body looks more muscular, there has to be a healthy limit. Professionals being photographed keep a darker appearance to make their figure look trim and toned. Instead of spending hours under the sun or in tanning booths, a simple airbrushed spray tan can give you the summer skin that compliments your body. Aim for two hours or less of outdoor tanning; Anything more is excessive and dangerous. Laying out too often has negative implications for your skin and health. Plus, you don’t want to wake up  on the beach looking like a California raisin named Brad.

Be Active

You can achieve most of the aforementioned  protocols by being active outdoors. Play a game or do some yard work on a sunny day. This will cause you to sweat, take in some Vitamin D from the sun, add color to your skin, and keep your metabolism elevated. Talk about efficiency! Be sure to use a sunblock of SPF 30 or greater to prevent burning.

Quick Workouts


Quick workouts are the secret to pumped muscles seen in magazine photographs. Stars are known to drop down and knock out a few sets of pushups before their shoots.  Workouts don’t have to be done formally in a gym setting. Unless you’re at Venice Beach at their famous outdoor gym, you can still stimulate your muscles with various bodyweight movements such as climbing, walking up stairs, and swimming.

Leave A Little Room


Summer BBQ’s are a great way to catch up with friends and family. Sometimes during our gatherings we tend to lose track of our food intake and get involved in mindless eating. Eating without being conscious of your intake is a sure way to overeat and depreciate your figure. Make it a habit to portion out your plate with food your body needs and avoid picking at other foods during conversation. Leaving a little room is a simple and easy way to keep lean.

Splurge in Bunches


When it’s time to party, do it all at once. Want some of the desserts? Go for it. Drinks? Sure. Do it all together. Since your insulin levels will already increase off sugar intake, you might as well combine your indulgences. This gives you a chance to strategically plan your splurges in bunches. Furthermore, avoid spreading out your sugar intake. Keeping your insulin elevated for a long period of time is detremental to your fat loss and overall health. I recommend a 6-8 hour window of anything goes once a week.  After this window, go back to eating proteins, fats, fruits, and veggies. Structure your fun and you can keep your stomach flat.

